Thursday, February 21, 2013

BMW R1200GS 2013 Recalled for ASC software update


With the increase of electronics in modern vehicles, it is not a surprise that an update is required in the latest BMW adventure motorcycle software. 

As the number of lines of code required to drive all the new electronics increases, the potential for programming errors grows accordingly.  Software companies have to deal with bugs on a regular basis and the transportation industry now faces the same reality. 

Fortunately, once discovered, software issues can be easily fixed and only require an update of the vehicle computer code.  In this particular case, the problem reported by BMW is related to the Automatic Stability Control (ASC) system which may not reactivate following off-road use in the “Enduro-Pro” mode. As the ASC warning lamp is no longer illuminated, the rider may be unaware that the system is still currently deactivated.  This could result in a crash causing property damage and/or personal injury.

To fix the issue the dealers will install an updated ASC software.

Only 31 models have been recalled.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Manawan Reserve ride: part 3 The Manawan road

See part 2

Riding the Manawan road turned out to be a life-sized mechanical lab that revived recent painful experiences – and with some thought, older ones too…

If you ever ride a motorcycle on the Parent road, you will feel quite at home on the Manawan road.  Both roads have the same vocation: fast fire roads that have been tortured by loaded logging trucks.  Both roads send the same painful sensations to the rider: intense vibrations in the handle bars… strong enough that one cannot keep his hands tight on the grips – imagine yourself trying to stop a Harley Davidson engine from vibrating with your hands.

It was quite stressful to ride the Manawan road under those conditions with a pickup following closely at 45 mph (75 km/h).  I could not go any faster because of the intensity of the vibrations transmitted by the washboard-like road and I was under the impression that the guy behind me was losing his patience.  I let him pass as soon as I had a chance and I made a first stop.

If I had not brought along a ratchet with the appropriate socket that fits my suspension adjusting nub, I would have turned around without a second thought.  But fortunately, it could be fixed.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

2013 BMW R1200GS Recalled

On February 6, 2013, BMW filed a safety recall with Transport Canada for the 2013 R1200GS.

The reason of this recall is the transmission oil pressure that may be too high on certain motorcycles, causing the output shaft sealing ring to leak.

An oil leakage ahead of the rear tire could render the vehicle unstable. This could result in a crash causing property damage and/or personal injury.

To fix the issue, the dealers will install an oil restrictor to reduce oil pressure at the transmission output.

Only 31 units are affected.


Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Montreal Motorcycle Show 2013: Win one of 6 pairs of tickets!

The Montreal Motorcycle Show will soon be here to make us dream about new bikes brilliantly engineered by the manufacturers.


I recently contacted the Director of Communications of the Show and I was pleasantly surprised by his willingness to collaborate!

He offered me 6 pairs of tickets to access the event that I could use to organize this contest.

  1. So how does it work? 

You may participate and win one of the 6 pairs of tickets by:

  1. Subscribing to the DS Adventure Quebec mailing list – submit your email address in the box titled “Follow by Email” on the right side of this page (this box is not visible on smart phones.)  You will receive a confirmation email.  With this option, you will be automatically enrolled to future contests as well; or
  2. Simply send an email to with the title: “DS Adventure Quebec: Win one of 6 pairs of tickets! contest”.

This is as simple as that…and please, share this information with your friends!  The draw will be held on February 19th, 2013.  The winners will be required to provide their first name, last name and city of residence.

And the winners are…

Hugues-Frédéric Brouillette

Marilyne Lavoie

Jean-Paul Bernier

Denis Ouellet

Sabrina Layek

Sylvain Beauvais

Thank you all for your participation and have a great day at the Montreal Motorcycle Show!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Manawan Reserve ride: part 2

See Part 1

The Dakar ended a couple of weeks ago: congratulations to the winners and to all participants!  Now there are no more excuses to delay my ride report heading to Manawan, and hopefully I will be able to complete it before the Montreal Moto Show… many new adv bikes this year!

But one word about the Rally: it is fascinating to see the sand dunes and fantastic landscapes of South America that we discover through the Dakar- definitely something to add to my bucket list.

On the down side however, none of the Canadian TV networks – even sports channels – made any coverage of the Dakar. In MHO, such an event should show up at least on evening news, right?!

Right…back to the main program…Manawan…Dorwin falls…yeah, those falls were an unexpected discovery worth seeing!  I spent too much time there taking shots and videos.  When I left and realized how long I had been there, I took the resolution to stop stopping every ten minutes for a bloody picture!

I stopped at least 10 more times after taking that resolution...  I saw this windmill along the road and I was curious to know what it was used for.  No luck, the area was deserted and there was a for sale sign.

As one distraction led to another, I saw an advertisement along the road for a free visit day at “La Terre des Bisons (The Buffalos Land)”…

Saturday, February 2, 2013

90 Years of BMW Motorrad - The R 37 – BMW goes racing…

The immediate success of the original R 32 established BMW as a serious player in the motorcycle industry some five years before the company even started the development of cars. Furthermore, this iconic motorcycle also paved the way for a sports model that took the brand into racing at the highest level. Enter the R 37…